It has now been 3 weeks (2 full weeks) since school started and it has been quite the whirlwind. I have been posting more over on my school blog Insane In The Pre-K Brain about the fun things we have been doing in my class, but that is not what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk about today is this kid.
I will be honest and tell you I was kind of worried about school starting . I was so afraid that I would be scraping her off of my body everyday with tears and snot everywhere. I was especially worried about what would happen when she saw me during the school day. Brent and I discussed what we would do on the first day of and we decided that it might be best if I went ahead to school and get ready for my class wile Brent brought Mckinley to school a little bit later. This plan would have worked perfectly if I hadn't desperately wanted a first day of school picture and told him to bring her down to my classroom before walking her down to her own class.Well you can guess what happened next! There were tears, leg grabbing, and a very sad baby and daddy. She of course was fine after a few minutes, but it still broke my heart and had me worried for the rest of the school year.
Let's fast forward to the first full week of school because this is where things get interesting. As a parent you want your kids to always be happy, but you also want to know your child still needs you. You know what I mean mom's! You want them to enjoy themselves, but you also don't mind a few tears or a lingering hug because it makes you feel needed. This is what I was expecting on our first full day of school. Mckinley and I drove the 2 minutes to school together for the first time and she of course begged to listen to her Llama Llama Time To Share cd to which I happily obliged. I had to get a few things ready for that day and Mckinley played in my classroom until it was time to walk her down to her classroom. I think I was holding my breath the entire 30 seconds it takes to get there so imagine my surprise when she refused to stand still for a picture in front of her classroom door and ran into her classroom to hug her teacher Mrs. Barbara. She never looked back and forget giving me a hug or a kiss. I was so happy there were no tears, but what was this other emotion? Heart Break!! I immediately turned and slowly walked back to my classroom because as a teacher I know better than to call her back because that is when things always go downhill.
I know I know I should be happy that there were no tears or screaming, but I at least wanted a hug or maybe just a tiny wave!So I dealt with the fact that my child handles change well and moved on to worrying about what I should do if she saw me in the hallway during the school day. I wasn't sure if I should just roll with it or hide from her for the first few days. I was good and went 3 days without checking in on her or letting her see me in the hallway. Thankfully the band aid was ripped off for me because she spotted me one day before I could hide. I wish I had a picture of the way her face lit up when she first spotted me! I had to keep myself from running over and scooping her up and kissing her on both cheeks! She wanted a hug and asked me if I could get her (mama heart exploding here!), but was super cool with her hug and a kiss and I told her I would get her after nap. This totally made up for her dissing me on the first day.
Basically what I am trying to say is my child loves school and as a teacher that makes my heart happy! She wakes up and immediately starts asking if I am ready to go yet! It doesn't hurt that she is completely spoiled at school. People just can't resist my tiny ray of sunshine. She is so sweet and entertaining and that toothy grin of hers makes for a perfect little package.
It just makes me happy to know that she is so well loved and taken care of everyday.
How could you not love this tiny piece of work?