Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother Mother

I have been doing this mom gig for almost 2 years now, but I still feel like there are somedays where I have no clue what I am doing. Every stage brings something completely new and i feel like i am always trying to figure out what is the best way to approach each new situation. We are on the cusp of what some may call the terrible twos and while I have seen a few glimpses of what might be to come I can honestly say I am thoroughly enjoying this age. I may have no clue what my girl is babbling  about 95% of the time, but I think we have some pretty intensely deep conversations. I don't want to rush time, but I so look forward to the days when we will get to talk about boys and what she is going to wear to the school dance. Now I know this may be wishful thinking that she will actually be talking to me when she is a teenager, but a mother can dream about a Gilmore Girls type relationship with their child can't they? 

This year we celebrated 2 Mother's Day celebrations since my mom was leaving for her first beach trip since the one we took right after her cancer diagnosis. Last year at this time we hadn't found out  my mom had been diagnosed yet so this Mother's Day was pretty special. I still can't believe it has almost been a year since everything started and now it is all almost over. It has all gone by so slowly yet everything has flown by and I can't believe the end is near. I know it doesn't feel that way for mom, but soon this will all be like the bad dream we keep saying it has been.

We decided to skip the Mother's Day brunch either day since we knew anywhere we went it would be crazy. Instead Saturday we hit up our Local Greek Fest for some good food and music. Bad news was we ended up leaving the house a bit late and our lunch coincided with one very sweet Little Ladies nap time. Needless to say she wasn't a sweet Little Lady for very long and all she wanted was her milk cup. Sadly after sending daddy back to the car for the milk cup I thought I accidentally lefty we soon realized there was no cup to be found because it was inside the bottle bag I left hanging on the closet doorknob where I had placed it with the diaper bag so I wouldn't forget it. We see how well my planning worked out. 

The next day we  headed over to Car Car and Nonni's for a Mother's Day cookout. Brent's uncle sadly passed away a year ago on this day so we were also celebrating him as well. Besides kicking my kid in the face by catching her with my sandal clad foot when her tights got caught on a chair and she almost smashed her face on the concrete it was a great day. We grilled out and ate lots of yummy food and spent a lot of time with people we love. I unfortunately was very careless about what I was eating and have been itchy and miserable ever since. This has not been a good 2 weeks with the gluten free lifestyle, but we shall talk more about that a little later.

 I of course told my husband I wanted for nothing which of course he didn't listen to at all like he always does. What I got though was exactly what I wanted. Something to eat (Gluten free pumpkin pancakes with maple syrup and gluten free cupcakes with an iced caramel mocha c/o a little friend at school).

My hubby also knows music is the way to my heart and he got me the new Lady A album. You see, I am a simple girl with simple needs and even when I say I don't want anything he still knows exactly what I want. I wear the same jewlery every single day so he knows that would be a waste of money (except my Pandora charms). Our house is teenie tiny and we can't fit anything else in it so house gifts are a bust. I think my favorite thing which I told my husband I didn't need was the card. Yes it was funny, but it was what he wrote that meant the most. I know it was only my second Mother's Day and I have so many precious hand made gifts from my girl to look forward to, but this has been my favorite Mother's Day so far.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the AMAZING mothers in my life. I love you all so very much.

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