Friday, June 28, 2013

Busy Bee

I have been a little busy lately doing a little home makeover.  To give you a little taste of what has been going down in Le Casa Team D I shall share my latest in progress shot. 
I decided a while ago that I wanted to redo my kitchen cabinets. It has been about 3 years since I tea stained the white cabinets we got when we bought our super cute teeny tiny house. I loved my brownish cabinets, but I was ready for something new and everything g needed a little cleaning spree. 

Here is a before shot of what tea stained cabinets look like just in case you were wondering. 
I started by taking everything apart and then I got down to business. I headed to Home Depot and bought myself some Valspar Notre Dame Grey (yes I know they don't carry Valspar at The De-pot but they gladly color matched it for me). I then swung by my in laws house and got their sander and got started. 

Thankfully the kitten was at her Mrs. Julie's house so I got a lot done this first day. I got all if the inner workings sanded and then i guess you could say I really got down to da bidness. I ended up having to do 2 coats on everything and after forgetting to give the bottom right lower cabinets a second coat I got almost everything completed on 2 days. 

Needless to say I have been really tired these past few days. Don't worry about me because my awesome husband brought me some wine to dull the pain tonight. 

I still have to sand and  paint the insides and outside Of the cabinet doors but after that I am fin! 

Now we just need to decide what we are going to a do with the countertops, find a stainless steel sink, and maybe did n awesome bask splash. 

I am so unbelievable happy with my kitchen redo and I really really love how clean all of my cabinets are now. It is amazing how seeing everything in your cabinets without doors to hide the mess really makes you want to organize the shiznit out of everything. 
Side note: I also got us a new shower curtain and I am jot one to toot my own horn, but I got it for $9 and I love the stupid thing. It really livens up ye ole potty  room. 

I  now giving myself a big ole pat on the back for checking so many things off of my summer break to do list. 

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