Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 13

We Made It!!! 2nd tri is FINALLY here! I am feeling Awesome. I not sick anymore (I have my moments where I don't feel awesome, but I am not really nauseous). I am not as tired as I was. After a long day at work I can get pretty tired, but I am sleeping better and longer. I still wake up every morning around 3 to potty. After My potty break I hit the couch so I don't wake B up with my tossing and turning. I actually can't fall back asleep in my bed, but I sleep Great on the couch with my little heater. I have a mini bed set up with my pillows and down comforter. Now that we have hit this milestone we are just waiting for that one moment when we will find out who we will be meeting in a few months. I can't wait to know if we will be meeting Mckinley or Walker.
Our next appointment is this Wednesday. This will juts be a regular checkup where they will check me out, weight me and so on and so forth. I am hoping we will hear the heartbeat. We won't be getting another ultrasound until our anatomy scan where they will check to see how everything is looking and when we will hopefully find out who is in there. I think the thing I am most ready for is to feel the peanut moving around.
It is weird because I don't "Feel" pregnant right now. I know that I am pregnant because I am starving all the time, my belly keeps getting bigger, and I get tired. Every time before each appointment I panic because I am so afraid they will look and nothing will be there or something will have gone wrong. I know I will feel better Wed. Then a few weeks later I will start freaking out again. Until peanut is here I will not rest easy.
Now that I am feeling better I have been working out more. Heather has become my newest gym buddy. We were walking on the treadmill 3 or 3 times a week for the past few weeks and Monday when we were off we went to step class which was really fun. It felt really good to work out again. I want to keep myself in the habit so after things get settled and we get a routine going I want to start working out as soon as I can. I have made a goal for myself that next year I will train and run the Nashville Half Marathon. We will see how that goes. Hopefully my running buddies will be up for helping me out.
So now we just sit and wait and I will continue staring at all of the precious blue and pink baby clothes just waiting to buy something.
It's amazing how different the belly looks from day to day.

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